Wed, 30 May 2018
Dr. David Shiffman stops by the podcast to discuss something that is very important to him and to sharks in Florida State Waters. He talks to us about Land based shark fishing in Florida and how the State is considering policy changes to the laws to ensure sharks are adequately protected. David also talks about how enforcement of the current laws are lacking to the point where one man, who volunteers with the government to do shark tagging, have broken the law on multiple occasions by taking photos holding sharks out of the water to post the images on social media. The media has written about him, but not for the reasons you might think. They are writing about how good he looks, due to his physique, instead of the laws that he has broken. Listen to how you can have your voice heard during the future public comment period. Enjoy The Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S475_LandBasedSharkPolicyChangesNeeded.mp3
Category:Shark Fishing -- posted at: 11:06am EST |
Mon, 28 May 2018
![]() Ocean Update is back again with 2 stories and an opinion! There is quite a bit of material to go over today spanning from Fisheries to Climate Change to Marine Mammals. Once you listen to the episode then you can speak up in the Facebook Group. Here are the stories: 1) The Trump administration cancels marine mammal and sea turtle protections proposed by fisheries industry; 2) Can the media start writing about Climate Change Optimism?; and, 3) Are Orcas really A-holes or was the author just trying to instil fear on the readers. Enjoy The Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S474_TrumpCancelsFisheriesProtectionsClimateChangeStoriesOptimisnmNeededAreOrcasAholes.mp3
Category:climate change -- posted at: 2:04pm EST |
Fri, 25 May 2018
![]() It's Ocean Talk Friday where I record live in the Facebook Fan Page and Group so that people can take part in Speaking Up For Oceans. On today's episode, I talk about the following articles: I was very happy that Abby Roberts was able to give us some great information on textiles and the way shirts breakdown. She also gave us some great information on how consumers respond to different materials for their apparel. Enjoy The Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S473_OceanTalkFridayLiveRecording.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 2:47pm EST |
Wed, 23 May 2018
![]() No guest today (apologies), but we do have some news and a special preview of a new Patreon Incentive as part of my way of raising money for the Speak Up For Blue Network of Podcasts. I first talk about the dangers associated with Kilauea's lava reaching and touching the Ocean for the first time. I provide you with a preview of a new Patreon Feature called Daily Ocean Talk, where I discuss other news and topics to Patrons every week day. Finally, I cap off the show with discussing how a small organization in Australia with 6 full time staff and 5 part-time staff received $444 million from the Australian government even thought their annual budget is $9.6 million. Enjoy the Episode!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S472_KilaueaLavaInOceanPatreonDailyOceanTalkPreviewSmallOrgGetsBigPayDay.mp3
Category:Kilauea Volcano -- posted at: 3:37pm EST |
Mon, 21 May 2018
![]() Happy Monday!!! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Today's episode is packed with stories from politics and immigration to Dr. Sylvia Earle's thoughts on Marine Protected Areas to a boat load of fish swim bladders being seized before being sold in Asian markets. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S471_ImmigrationMessingWithCrabFisherySylviaEarleWantsMoreMPAs800FishSwimBladdersSeized.mp3
Category:Immigration -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 18 May 2018
![]() This Episode of Ocean Talk Friday was recorded live on the Facebook Fan Page where I discussed how the US Senate Science Committee might be delaying the country's Climate Change adaptation by bringing up ridiculous reasons to deny the human effects on climate change. I also discuss a new genetically unique population of Blue Whales that were discovered in New Zealand and how this discovery will drive policy in relation to oil and gas exploration that has opened up in the country. Enjoy The Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S470_OceanTalkFridayLiveRecording.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Wed, 16 May 2018
![]() Marine Mammals and Marine Biology Careers/Entrepreneurs is what I cover on today's podcast. Two Marine Mammal stories and 1 editorial on marine biology careers. The first marine mammal story is about a sea lion that is trying to enjoy some fish guts at cleaning stations in North Harbour, BC.; however, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans have ordered fishers to cease all cleaning to ensure the sea lion does not come back. They are worried that the sea lion will get too close to a fisher and become aggressive around food. One of the spokespeople for the department said they wanted to avoid a similar incident to the one last year, where a little girl was dragged into the water by a frustrated sea lion who was offered food and then teased with "fake offerings". It eventually lashed out at the people by dragging in a little girl. The sea lion was not at fault, but the act of trying to get rid of the sea lion in North Harbour is evidence that people are trying to exclude sea lions from part of the Ocean where they should be allowed to frequent. I also rant about how some people inside and outside the Marine Science and Conservation industry are dead set against Marine Biologists making money. There seems to be a stigma about the lifestyle of Marine Biologists and that they should be happy with their salaries and all of the "Cool Places" they get to go. There are some innovative Marine Scientists and Conservationists out there who are trying to create a path for others to follow in so they can make a great living and conduct marine science and conservation as they were trained to do in the first place. My problem is with the people who are trying to say that people shouldn't try to rock the boat. Finally, I talk about the first sighting of the Northern Right Whale off the coast of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (Canada). It's an important sighting as we know Right Whales will continue to come north to Canada as they did last year. The goal this year is to reduce and eliminate incidences where the whales are killed through ship strikes and/or entanglement in fishing gear. There are two crucial guidelines (maybe laws) that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans created last season that carried over to this season. Find out what those are in the recording. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S469_SealLionsBandFromPortCanMarineBiologistsMakeMoneyFirstRightWhaleSpottedForSeason.mp3
Category:Marine Mammals -- posted at: 4:58pm EST |
Mon, 14 May 2018
![]() Recycling, Toxic Sunscreen and Sharks are the topics that I cover today. They are all different, yet they are all related as they have to do with Marine Conservation. Check out what they are all about! Here are the links for today's episode: Enjoy the Podcast!!! Become par to the Speak Up For Blue Nation by joining our Patreon Campaign. I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S468_CrucialRecyclingTipsIsBanningSunscreenTheONLYAnswerNewsharkDefenseSystem.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 11:13am EST |
Fri, 11 May 2018
Publishing the Ocean Talk Friday episode that I recorded Live on the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Page and the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group. On today's episode, I chat about two articles that have to do with the largest organisms and smallest organisms in the Ocean: 1) Gray Whales found without flukes (tails) after being severed from fishing gear entanglements; and, Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul |
Wed, 9 May 2018
Dr. Andrew Thaler is an expert in Deep-Sea Ecology and Marine Science/Conservation Communication. He has a PhD in Deep-Sea Ecology and owns and operates Southern Fried Science, one of the most popular Marine Science and Conservation Blogs on the web. He is also my friend and is on the podcast today!!! I asked Andrew on the podcast because he just came back from the CNMI (Northern Mariana Islands) where is conducted an underwater ROV robotics workshop with some local leaders. The point of the workshop was to train people to train others in the community to ensure the use of underwater ROVs in the future, especially for Marine Conservation. Training to train others is a great way to ensure the continuation of Sustainable Marine Conservation and is a great model for moving forward. Check out the interview with Andrew for more. Here are some links to find out more about Dr. Andrew Thaler: BlackBeard Biologic (Andrew's Company) Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S466_DroneTrainingForMarineConservationWithDrAndrewThaler.mp3
Category:Marine Conservation -- posted at: 10:53am EST |
Mon, 7 May 2018
I spend time talking about one of my favourite habits in the Ocean. Actually, it's probably the favourite habitats of many people...Coral Reefs!!! Of course, we are not talking only about Climate Change, but I cannot do an episode on Coral Reefs where I don't talk about Climate Change. So I mention it. Here are the stories that I cover today: Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S465_CoralReefEcologyPeopleAndAdaptation.mp3
Category:Coral Reef -- posted at: 5:25pm EST |
Fri, 4 May 2018
![]() I recorded Ocean Talk Friday in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group on Wednesday, which I plan on doing from now on. If you want to take part then join the group and attend every Wednesday at 7pm EST to have a chance to get on the episode. Today, I chat with fellow SUFB members about: Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul |
Wed, 2 May 2018
Today I discuss a couple of crucial topics that I found important to discuss with you. First off, I update you on how Atlantic and Pacific Tuna Commissions are not managing tropical tuna populations properly and I go over recommendations provided by the Pew Charitable Trust. Secondly, I talk about eco-friendly products that are out on the market that can be used as alternatives to current, toxic choices. I use sunscreen as an example as Hawai'i plans to ban non-reef safe sunscreen to protect corals and other marine life. It's all about awareness at Speak Up For Blue. I want to make sure that you know the products available that will lessen our impact on the Ocean. Enjoy the Podcast!!! I would love to hear your opinion on this episode. Join the Facebook Group to chime in. Do you know we launched more Ocean Related Podcasts? Subscribe to Marine Conservation Happy Hour and ConCiencia Azul
Direct download: SUFB_S463_OversightInTunaManagementEcoToolsSunscreenChemicalsDestoryingCoralReefs.mp3
Category:Tuna -- posted at: 1:52pm EST |