Mon, 2 October 2017
It's not everyday where you realize your dreams, especially in the field of Marine Science and Conservation. However, it has happened to me today as this is the first day that I am working full time on Speak Up For Blue and getting paid for it. That's right, Speak Up For Blue has it's first sponsor at the Partner Level. That sponsor is Octo (Open Communications for The Ocean). This opportunity allows me to do what I haven't been able to do in the past, which is to build a Marine Science and Conservation Media Company. Find out all of the details in this episode. Enjoy the podcast!!! Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast. Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to create a free pr=resource program for Ocean Citizen Scientists to help move Marine Science and Conservation forward by collecting information for various Citizen Science program. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign |