Fri, 29 December 2017
In this last episode of 2017, I breakdown what you can expect from Speak Up For Blue in 2018. Here is the list: 1) New podcast shows: Marine Conservation Happy Hour, ConCiencia Azul (Speak Up For Blue in Spanish, hosted by Melissa Marquez) and Speak Up For Blue in French (Hosted by Dr. Lyne Morissette). 2) You Tube Videos - I will be creating regular You Tube videos for 2 , maybe 3, episodes per week in 2018 3) Creating more LIVE content on a daily (weekday) basis in Facebook, Instagram and Periscope (Twitter) 4) Bringing more Marine Science content to all of the above platforms 5) Providing more Speak Up For Blue Community resources so we can all make better decisions 6) Create more incentives for the Speak Up For Blue Patreon Campaign 7) Create branded Merchandise where a portion of the profits will go towards supporting small organizations doing great work 8) Consulting as a Podcast Producer and Host for organizations who would like to create podcast content for their projects. If you are interested in creating a podcast for your conservation organization or social enterprise, then connect with me for my podcasting services so I can help you get started and connect with your audience. Email me at Are you looking to start off your Marine Science and Conservation Career, but don't know where to begin or it hasn't gone the way you expected to? Join us on our next Marine Conservation Career Q&A. All you need to do is contribute at least $1/month to our Patreon Campaign to attend:Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S414_WhatsHappeningIn2018ForSpeakUpForBlue.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Wed, 27 December 2017
As we wind down 2017 and get ready for 2018, I revisit the top 5 most downloaded podcasts of 2017: 5) Episode 285 - Ocean Talk Friday featuring Lyne Morissette 4) Episode 326 - How To Eat Sustainable Seafood with Fish Nerds Clay Groves 3) Episode 289 - Human Activities and the Ocean 2) Episode: 360 - Marine Conservation Career Struggles: 4 Perspectives (Marine Conservation Happy Hour Preview) 1) Episode: 335 Shark Science Communication with Melissa Marquez What a year for the podcast as there were more that 120K downloads this year!!!! Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast. |
Mon, 25 December 2017
I wanted to post a shorter episode today (Merry Christmas everyone!!!) to highlight my wishes for the Marine Science and Conservation Field: 1) I would like to see people read more science papers or know more about them; 2) I would like to see people in the field be nicer to each other (eliminate sexual harassment and bias and colleagues standing up for each other); 3) I would like to see citizens, in any country, support politicians who demonstrate in ability to understand the importance of science and listen to science experts no matter the outcome; 4) I would like to see more people get involved in science communication and support those who are actively engaging in science communication; and, 5) I would like to see the Speak Up For Blue Community as well as other people supporting smaller organizations who are results-oriented. Enjoy the Podcast and Merry Christmas!!! This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S412_ChristmasWishListForMarineScienceAndConservation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 22 December 2017
Climate Change has a number of consequences that affect you and I directly and indirectly. Some consequences such as increased storm frequency and intensity, we see in front of our eyes (think Hurricane Irma); however, others go unnoticed (think Ocean Acidification). All of Climate Change's consequences are important and are brought on by us in the form of increased Greenhouse gases (CO2). We know that CO2 can be absorbed by plants, which is why we plant trees like crazy (more because forest destruction is so rampant all over the planet). However, we often forget that CO2 is also absorbed by plants in the Ocean. In fact, most of the CO2 on the plant is absorbed by plants in the Ocean. Unfortunately, human destruction is causing harm to the plants that play such a critical role in CO2 absorption and O2 production. On today's Ocean Talk Friday Episode, I string an article, a conversation that I had with a bank teller this week and a guide on how you can reduce your Climate Change footprint and how they all relate to Ocean Acidification (and provide an important way you can support the reduction of climate change). Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S411_OTF_HowTrawlingSeagrassAndOceanAcidificationAreConnected.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Wed, 20 December 2017
Coral Reefs have had it rough over the past few decades; however, the past 3 years were just devastating. Each of the last 3 years have been the hottest year on record. Coral reefs don't do very well when the Sea Surface Temperature gets too hot, they tend to bleach. For example, 93% of the Great Barrier Reef bleached over the past 3 years. It's been rough... Coral Reef conservation is happening around the world to restore bleached reefs and protect the reefs that are healthy. There are many people helping coral reefs as well as the coastal communities that depend on them. Of course, it's difficult to know everyone doing coral reef conservation, but we try to introduce you to some of the people/organizations working hard to protect these biodiversity hot spots here in the Speak Up For Blue Podcast. Vic Ferguson is the founder and Executive Director of the World Federation of Coral Reef Conservation (WFCRC), a non-profit organization that mobilizes teams of volunteers to work with corals reefs around the world. In this interview, Vic tells me about how he founded the WFCRC and its primary function is to contribute to protecting Coral Reefs and helping people protect their coastline. He also describes an upcoming collaborative project with Ocean Guardian that will take place in the Cook Islands. Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S410_CoralReefConservationWithVicFerguson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 18 December 2017
Welcome to the Ocean Update Episode where I take you through 2 stories and an opinion piece that I think are important: 1) Scientists did not find a 512 year old Greenland Shark (9:54); Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S409_ConservationistsWeHaveATonOfWorkToDo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am EST |
Fri, 15 December 2017
SUFB 408: Three Men Are Charged With Shark Cruelty; Did Blue Planet II Help Save The Planet?; and, Shrimp Get Injected With Substance to Make Them Look Bigger
I ask myself three questions on today's Ocean Talk Friday episode: 1) Will charging 3 men with animal cruelty deter others from hurting animals?; This episode is brought to you courtesy of our Patreon Contributors that help pay for equipment, software and my time that I dedicate to creating content for this podcast. I offer a number of incentives to the Patrons including a once a month Q&A on Marine Science and Conservation Careers, Merchandise, and more! It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast. |
Wed, 13 December 2017
Bonnie Waycott joins me on the podcast today to discuss how the Japanese aquaculture industry is recovering after the March 11th, 2011 Tsunami that devastated part of Japan. Recovery efforts are still ongoing almost 7 years later, where some families are still in temporary housing as their homes are still not back together. Japan is a country that has a bad reputation for Marine Conservation as they are synonymous with Whaling and the Cove; however, it is rare that we get an inside look at how the people in Japan live off of the sea and recover after such a devastating event that changes the history of the region. Bonnie provides us with that look as she has been studying the recovery through the eye of a journalist. Join us as Bonnie tells us about how she grew up in Japan and the UK; lived through the Japanese Earthquakes of 2011; and, works with the people of Japan to determine how they recover from a Tsunami. Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S407_ACountryRecoveringFromATsunamiWithBonnieWaycott.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 11 December 2017
Polar Bears have been facing a number of challenges that have played a role in decreasing their global population in the Arctic Environment. Climate change and metal poisoning have been two of the top issues facing Polar Bears. We talk about climate change and its effect on Polar Bears almost every time we discuss the marine mammals. Of course, there are still some people who don't think Climate Change is causing any problem to Polar Bears or any other species for that matter. Environmental Documentary Photographer, Paul Nicklen, released a video and photos of a Polar Bear on its last legs this past week and tied the dying condition to climate change. Nicklen intended for the piece to inspire people to change their behaviour to reduce/eliminate climate change; however, not everybody agreed. So it's time to discuss this matter on the podcast! Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S406_DidClimateChangeKillAStarvingPolarBear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 8 December 2017
Nathan Johnson joins us on the podcast today to discuss this week's top stories that we think you should know about: Giving Small-Scale Fishing a voice on an international platform; Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. href="">Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast. |
Wed, 6 December 2017
I had the pleasure to catch up with my friend and colleague, Dr. Nathan Robinson, who is a Sea Turtle Biologist, a Marine Scientist, and a Science Communicator. Nathan is known for being the scientist that pulled a straw out of an Olive Ridley Sea Turtle's nose and 4 months later pulled a plastic fork out of another Olive Ridley Sea Turtle's nose about 70 km from the other site. Those videos could arguably be considered as the catalyst to the "Ban Plastic Straw" campaigns that are happening all around the world. Today, Nathan tells us how those videos changed his career path to more of a science communicator path and started the You Tube Channel called "The Wandering Biologist." Check out the podcast then go to his channel and subscribe for some incredible videos of Ocean and other animals. Enjoy the Podcast!!! This episode was available first to Patreon Contributors only. It's to thank those of you who are supporting my own efforts of Science Communication. I will also be bringing some shorter interviews with some colleagues that will only be available to Patrons. And of course, once a month, I will be conducting a Q&A for Marine Scientists and Conservationists that want to build/continue their career in their respective field. I will announce the date soon. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign Don't forget to join our Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group to join like-minded individuals who are all about living for a better Ocean. Join our Facebook Group for the Podcast.
Direct download: SUFB_S404_MarineScienceCommunicationWithNathanRobinson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Mon, 4 December 2017
SUFB 403: Nations Make Pact To Protect Arctic Fisheries; Science Communication Gone Wrong; and, Chinese Navy Uses Jellyfish Shredder
Science Communication (SciComm) is a great tool for Scientists and Conservationists to use to reach the public. It provides Scientists with the power to drive their own message straight from their own mouths, especially now with social media tools such as podcasting and online videos available to anyone that has a message to provide an audience. However, traditional media such as TV Networks and Newspapers still reach an established and large audience that may not be available to people who are just starting out in Science Communication. Unfortunately, you never know what will be the final product when you use that type of media as they have creative control and it seems as thought they will do anything for a click. Dr. Alexander Pyron learned that lesson the hard way. I discuss his opinion piece in the Op Ed of the Washington Post in which he now regrets writing and says the Post added words that he did not write...words that could cost him his career and ruin his reputation as a Scientist. I do discuss some great news in the Arctic in terms of fisheries and scientific research and cover a weird article about the Chinese Navy shredding jellyfish in the Ocean to protect their Aircraft Carriers. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast. I will be adding a live Q&A at least once a month for people who have questions for their building their career in Marine Science and Conservation. All you have to do to is become a Patreon Contributor for a minimum of $1 USD per month to gain access. Not only will you be getting advice on your career, but you will also be supporting my effort to make people aware of all things Ocean! Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Direct download: SUFB_S403_SciCommGoneWrong_NavyJellyfishShredder_USRussiaNoFishingInArctic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 1 December 2017
This week on Ocean Talk Friday, I cover 3 stories: 1) The Science of The Climate Change Denier's Strategy to confuse people; Enjoy the Podcast!!! Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast. I will be adding a live Q&A at least once a month for people who have questions for their building their career in Marine Science and Conservation. All you have to do to is become a Patreon Contributor for a minimum of $1 USD per month to gain access. Not only will you be getting advice on your career, but you will also be supporting my effort to make people aware of all things Ocean! Contribute to our Patreon Campaign