Mon, 7 August 2017
Brexit negotiations are underway for the break up of the UK from the European Union. Fisheries has come to the forefront of the media hype surrounding the negotiations. A recent article in NBC News identifies the hopes and concerns of various players within the UK fishing industry and how the potential reality may look for each component within the industry. For example, the UK fishers are looking forward to catching more fish without competition from other EU fleets; however, the UK seafood exporters are worried about the taxes that will be implemented once the independent UK experts their products to the EU (consisting of 50% of their business). Finally, policy analysts, such as Griffin Carpenter, are concerned about the future of the now replenished fish stocks (due to stricter quota management by EU policy) under new management of the UK. I discuss the article and the different points of view discussed in the article. I also discuss the numerous videos and pictures of recreational fishers and potential abuse of fish out at sea. Enjoy the Podcast!!! Let me know what you think of the episode by joining our Facebook Group for the Podcast. Support Speak Up For Blue's Efforts to build a platform to raise awareness for Marine Science and Conservation and help you live for a better Ocean. Contribute to our Patreon Campaign
Direct download: SUFB_S352_TheDisconnectBetweenUKFishersAndEUPolicy.mp3
Category:brexit -- posted at: 10:42am EDT |