Fri, 24 April 2020
Academic professors have a reputation that they stay in their "ivory towers" and do their research; however, Dr. Joshua Stoll, who is an Assistant Professor of Fisheries at the University of Maine, is also a fisherman and the co-founder of Local Catch. Local Catch is a network of community-supported fisheries that share information to help empower local fisheries. The stories Josh tells me in this interview are wonderful and goes to show that there is a need to bring fisheries back to local communities. How do you support local fisheries? Share your experience in the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Group: Check out the new Speak Up For The Ocean Blue Podcast App: Check out the Shows on the Speak Up For Blue Network: Marine Conservation Happy Hour Madame Curiosity ConCiencia Azul: Dugongs & Seadragons: Environmental Studies & Sciences Marine Mammal Science: Projects For Wildlife Podcast:
Direct download: SUFB_S994_LocalCatchJoshStoll.mp3
Category:Sustainable Fisheries -- posted at: 12:00am EST |